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21 Days to Self Love

I was never taught self-love. In fact I was taught just the opposite. Give, give and give even more. And that's what I did until I was almost on empty.

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That put me in a space of resentment, burn-out and stress. My life felt like I was on a merry-go-round and I couldn't get off. I was on-edge, cranky and lashing out at those around me (then feeling guilty) while still trying to do everything myself and leaving ME for last. 

I invite you to my 21 Days to Self-Love video series. You will learn tips, processes and ways to take care of yourself so that you can do what you were born to do.


Start with the video introduction just below and then go ahead and watch Day 1. Then watch one video a day for a total of 21 days. Make sure to complete each daily assignment to get the most out of this program.


Welcome to 21 Days to Self-Love!
Watch this video to learn all about the program
Day 1 "Self-talk"
Day 3 "How You Dress"-
Day 5 "Forgiving Yourself "
Day 6 "Your Surroundings"
Day 8 "Speaking Up"
Day 10 "Saying Yes"
Day 12 "Self Care"
Day 14 "Being You"
Day 16 "Taking the Pressure off Yourself "
Day 18 "What are you Trying to Prove?"
Day 20 "Follow Your Own Instincts"
Day 2 "Body Image"
Day 4 "Are you Hard on Yourself?"
Day 6 "Your Surroundings"
Day 7 "What You Give Yourself "
Day 9 "Saying No Without Guilt"
Day 11 "Boundaries"
Day 13 "Allowing Your Feelings"
Day 15 "Allowing Others to be Them"
Day 17 "The Majesty in You"
Day 19 "Give Yourself Permission to Play"
Day 21 "See the Majesty in You!"

You have completed all 21 days, CONGRATULATIONS!


I would love to get your feedback about the program. Let me know how you liked it and what spoke most to you.  Email me at


If you want more information about the Majesty in You Course click here

I offer private life and relationship coaching. If you want to work even deeper on self-love and self-care, or on any other area of your life, call me for so we can talk about how I can help you.   954 243-7297

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