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Coaching for the More Mature

If you're 50 or older there are certain challenges you may face that I can help you navigate.


Changes such as retirement, the selling of a home, empty nest, loss of loved ones, or other changes that may be difficult.


Sometime depression sets in as you may not feel as purposeful as you did when you were younger.


I guide you to look at what you are not enjoying in your life and then envisioning how you want your life to be.


It could be regarding a relationship, your social life, difficulties with your family members, something you’ve dreamed of having or doing, or even dating again.


Then we create small, doable steps together that will move you toward your goals. My style is gentle and encouraging while still keeping you  accountable. 

Take the very first step towards creating the life you want. Book your free 15 min. call with me!

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