Produced and Hosted
by Mari Mitchell
On Spreaker
Join me on Dare to be Authentic Podcast where I interview and promote leading authors, therapists, spiritual leaders, coaches, teachers, healers, mentors, consultants, doctors, medical professionals, CEO's, singers, actors, entrepreneurs, and others who boldly share how authenticity has enhanced their life.
If you want to be a guest on my podcast
click below for more information
Produced and Hosted
by Mari Mitchell
On Spreaker
Join me on Dare to be Authentic Podcast where I interview and promote leading authors, therapists, spiritual leaders, coaches, teachers, healers, mentors, consultants, doctors, medical professionals, CEO's, singers, actors, entrepreneurs, and others who boldly share how authenticity has enhanced their life.
If you want to be a guest on my podcast
click below for more information
Rob Wilson
Join me with guest Rob Wilson talking about sovereign liberation. Rob created what he calls "liberating lingo" which is a way of talking to yourself and about yourself that keeps you in the now and frees you from subconscious ideas, thoughts, and concepts that can hinder you from expanding into your best life.

Sovereign Liberation
Rob will be also be talking about looking for pathways instead of solution and what the difference is Rob is the founder of Cowboy Wisdom Hypnoacuity which is hypnotherapy that quiets the thinking memory mind. He is also the author of several books including "My Wisdom Breathes".
Dr. Amy Loden Tiffany
Join me with guest Dr. Amy Loden Tiffany. Sometimes the stress of holidays and relationships result in overeating and overdrinking as coping mechanisms. This often backfires on us which results in undercaring for ourselves by abandoning our sleep, movement, and other health-promoting habits. Dr. Amy talks about how important it is to take care of ourselves during the holidays and what steps we can take toward this goal.

Caring for Ourselves Through the Holidays
Dr. Amy is a double board-certified physician in Lifestyle Medicine and Obesity Medicine. She is also certified as a health and wellness coach with additional training in life coaching, allowing her to offer a comprehensive approach to healthcare. Her distinctive approach to healthcare sets her apart. Instead of relying solely on medication, she empowers her patients to take control of their health through lifestyle changes. Her passion lies in preventing and reversing chronic diseases, with a particular focus on diabetes and heart disease in high-risk adults, especially women.
Charles Muir
Join me with guest Charles Muir talking about reevaluate our conditioning about sex and are we ready to evolve sex to a much deeper level of profound union. Charles is considered the originator and Pioneer of the Modern Tantra Movement in the United States. In 1978, he originated the Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving® format, Sacred Spot Massage, and many other inventive experiential exercises.

Transforming Sex Into Sexual Love
These have all become the cornerstones in the curriculum of most Tantra educators. He has taught over 100,000 students in the over 40 years of live classes and his home study products have introduced several 100,000 more to the Art of Conscious Loving. He currently holds live seminars in several California cities.

Dreams Deferred are not Dreams Denied
She shares the truth about her life so that others who have experienced the same or similar know that they too can be healed, delivered and set free. Shirley Ann believes that where you are now is not where you will be and that dreams deferred are not dreams denied!
Featured Shows

Cheryl Murphy**
Standing in Your Truth is Your Authentic Superpower
Join me with guest Cheryl Murphy talking about how everyone has intuition they can use to help guide them on their path to attain their wishes and desires. Cheryl grew up psychic. One day her angels came to her and communicated that helping people and serving spirit was to be her full time career.Cheryl now does medium and psychic readings for individuals and groups via Zoom and phone

Rob Wilson
Expand out of Your Past and into the Present Moment
Join me with guest Rob Wilson talking about how we can expand out of past experiences into the present and create the life we want. Rob believes that everything we think and know we learned from our parents, schools, society, the media, etc. and is all in the past. Learn how to free yourself from the past and step into the now, where there is natural free flowing energy, inspiration, innovation, imagination and intuition. Rob is the founder of Cowboy Wisdom Hypnoacuity which is hypnotherapy that quiets the thinking memory mind. He is also the author of several books including "My Wisdom Breathes".
Remaining Authentic in Writing
Dare to be Authentic Radio with guest Douglas Weissman talking about what it means to be authentic in your writing and how to lean into vulnerability. Doug is a travel writer and novelist. He avoided writing for years thinking there was no future in it but he kept coming back to writing in one form or another and realized without exception, it is where he needs to be. Doug's new book "Life Between Seconds" is available on Amazon and other book sellers.

Elliott Robertson
Being Attuned to Your
Inner Awareness
Join me with guest Elliott Robertson talking about how economic or any other world crises provide us with an opportunity for profound spiritual growth. Elliott is passionate about inspiring and guiding people to discover the glory within. He is a Spiritual Growth Coach who offers programs to help people release inner blocks to empowerment and sovereignty and cultivate new patterns of relating to themselves and to the world.

Lewis L. Burton III
Develop and Work the Plan to Achieve Your Goals
Join me with guest “Tony” Lewis L. Burton III talking about how you can achieve the goals you have for yourself. Tony has worked in the education arena for 25 plus years. He is a life coach/consultant and founder of TL Burton and Associates, LLC. He is also author "ReThinking Big." Tony is passionate about focusing on his happiness and the happiness of those around him, family, clients, and friends. He attempts to makes a difference in the lives of his clients which makes a difference their business, their families, as well as the community and the world at large.

Tamara Miller Davis
Being Mindful about Social Media
Join me with guest Tamara Miller Davis talking about digital wellness which means: limiting screen time, consciously using tech with intention, and having rules around screens for kids. Tamara is the author of the novel Despite the Buzz in which she used the filter of fiction to creatively speak up for digital wellness. She is passionate about writing, teaching, and supporting/empowering others to do good in this world. In addition to being an author, Tamara is a mother of two, a U.S. Coast Guard veteran from Michigan, and works as a substitute teacher in California

Misha Safran
Supporting Inclusion and Belonging
Join me with guest Misha Safran talking about reducing the amount of hate and violent communication there is in our world. Her message is about supporting ourselves and each other in leaning towards positive intent, self-care, and compassion so that we can all show up to support inclusion and belonging rather than let fear dictate our lives which often results in harm and even death.

Allen Pickett
Opening Yourself to Compassion and Love
Join me with guest Allen Pickett talking about how opening himself to compassion and love for all beings made a shift in his quality of life. Allen is the founder of Honeybee Hemp Farms, in North Carolina. His mission is to support the pollinator population and combat the opioid epidemic. Honeybee Hemp Farms creates hemp and mushroom extract infused honey products for human consumption.

Crista Tharp
Find Your Bliss and Live it Unapologetically
Join me with guest Crista Tharp talking about how she took off the superwoman cape and found her bliss. When Crista hit 41 she had extreme fatigue. A female doctor told her that if she didn't reduce her stress, within a few weeks she would be in the hospital. Crista decided to ditch the superwoman cape, embrace her flaws and find her blyss, She is author of: "Ditching the F**king Cape - Confessions of a So-called Superwoman."

Graciela Tiscareno Sato
Contributions of Latin Americans in the US
Join me with guest Graciela Tiscareno Sato talking about the positive contributions that Latin Americans make in the US. Graciela creates content that SMASHES corporate media stereotypes and hate speech about Hispanic Americans. She is Founder and Publisher of an indie educational publishing firm, Gracefully Global Group, Author of seven books (two non-fiction, five bilingual children's books, for which she is called Captain Mama).

Carisa Cole Sharrett
Fueling Families For Empowered Living
Join me with guest Carisa Cole Sharrett talking about how primary caregivers (especially those caring for kids and adults with disabilities or other special needs) can reconnect with themselves, restore clarity to their vision and purpose, redesign their daily life to banish burnout, reignite their passions and reclaim their hope.
​Carisa is the Founder/CEO of Bravely Intentional Life,as well as an international best-selling author, and the creator of the Empowered Mom Blueprint program.

Barbara Hemphill
Getting Organized for the New Year
Join me with guest Barbara Hemphill who will be sharing the importance of creating a Home Office for Business and Life. Barbara started her career in the organizing industry in 1978 with a $7 ad in a New York City newspaper. She has since written multiple books, including Taming the Paper Tiger, Less Clutter More Life, and is currently celebrating the 20th Anniversary re-release of Love It or Lose It: Living Clutter-Free Forever. She developed world-class expertise delivered by Certified Specialists at Productive Environment Institute.

Rosemary Joan McDermott
I listened to the interview and found it fascinating. Such a humble man writing a soul stirring book. Well done! Great interview Mari!

Rey Leal
Thank you for all that you stand for and the joy you are putting out into the world!

Paz Ellis
Mari is a fabulous host and a beautiful human being!

Mary Davis
I am an avid listener. Keep up the great episodes!