Own Podcast
Dare to Shine!
Get more visibility and credibility in your field and get your message out!
Be seen as an expert in your field
As the producer and host of "Dare to be Authentic Radio" I won two awards for my radio show the first year I was on air and I've successfully built an audience that spans to the US pls 44 international countries and positioned myself as an expert in my field.
If you desire to have your OWN radio show, allow me to mentor you through all the do's and don't of creating a radio show that represents you and your purpose. I will take you from the getting clear what the heart of your message is, to naming your radio show to getting on air and building your listeners.
Be Seen
Heard Globally

5 Week RADIO SHOW Mentoring Program
All session are private one-on one with me
Week 1
Identify your purpose for your radio show and name your show
Week 2
Identify your demographics and set up your radio show account
Week 3
Create your first demo show and learn how to capture your audience
Week 4
Promoting your show on social media and other platforms
Week 5
Air your first LIVE radio show!